Other necessary permits, and/or local/ city permits.
You may want to check the annual fees or taxes in each of the cities you are able to grow in. Outside of your DBA filing and seller's permit the only other legal permit your collective may need is one from your city.
To get your permits just go into your local town hall or city office and go to the business licensing office. Most likely all that is required is permission from their zoning department. Just tell them you are running a business out of your home; you do not need to tell them the specific nature of your business. Be as vague as possible without arousing suspicion, but be prepared to answer a few questions about how your business may effect those in your neighborhood. Be sure to answer all questions with the assurance that your business will be as respectful as possible to those that live near you and your local community. The zoning department mainly just wants to know if you're selling stuff out of your house, or if you'll be holding inventory in your home, etc. Just tell them you are running a home based business over the internet and be sure to let them know you won't be disturbing the neighbors.
What happens next is usually just some paperwork for the city, and a small annual fee based on sales, which is usually only x cents per thousand dollars. It is not even recommended that you get the city permits until you absolutely have to (i.e. until you are sure you are generating revenue from your collective), otherwise it may just be more paperwork to keep track of and fees to pay.
Tomorrow I will take a break from the all the paperwork and give some tips on how to run your medical marijuana collective on a budget and maximize revenue.
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